Randomness ARRGH I keep thinking about people i haven't seen in at least 5 years and they pass me in the shops or add me on myspace! Its doing my head in! proper glitch in the matrix
Haha that happened to me last night. Nass remember when we went to the Fusi a few times last year? Did Stu's mate Dean go when you went? I was just thinking about them times at the Fusi yesterday then I did a charity run down the Quayside, finished it looking like absolute shit.. and saw Dean at the Pitcher & Piano. Managed to blag some sponsorship off him like.
i hate that, it happens to me loads. i'll be thinking of a song in my head then someone will be singing the exact words i am thinking . i have an Ipod shuffle, i will be sitting on the bus thinking "i want to hear that greenday tune" then it comes on! totally fucks your head up like
It was a lad who i used to nerd about with in the LRC at school in year 9.. We discovered yahoo messenger and it's wonderful capabilities (i.e. talking to my cousin Jill on it for hours..).
Aye weird shit like this happens all the time to me but i never tell anyone as i never think they'd believe me