Randy Katana Live @ Club Fresh (FreshFM) 6/6/05 Been looking for a Katana mix for a while - found this and i thought i'd share http://www.megaupload.com/?d=051UXX6W Wouldn't mind a track listing... Anyone know what the last tune is... very much like boomerang
Re: Randy Katana Live @ Club Fresh (FreshFM) 6/6/05 a download this and will try to find tracklistings for ya mate
Randy Katana LIVE @ Club Fresh (freshfm) 06.06.05 01. ID 02. Randy Katana - Pleasure Island 03. ID 04. Steve Angello & Sebastian Ingrosso - Yeah 05. ID 06. ID 07. ID 08. Hisjam - Dreams 09. 64 Bit - Virtual Discotech (Cosmic Gate remix) 10. ID Doesnt really help u much does it?! Its a start like......
YEAH!!!! it's the VERY LAST TUNE... only about 1 mins worth... very much boomerang/apache want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it want it
what? the sweet dreams bootleg? I've got it on record The first tune on the set is by Tomaz & kobbe its on intec, can't remember what is called. Kanzyani Neuvo York is on there too
nar, 2 tunes after it... the mix is only 46mins and it's the last tune over 45/46 mins... only about 1 mins worth...