really good chart groups/bands at the mo? at the minute i've been getting stuck into radio 1 throughout the day which is unlike me to say the least. has anyone else found that the recent chart material has been of unusually high standard? gorillaz.. greenday.. katie tunstall.. kelly clarkson.. jamiroquai.. daniel powter.. even jem.. i'm enjoying the lot, can't really complain although the james blunt song is getting on my tits now.. anyone got any to add to this list whist you're replying?
pendulem.. think thats how its spelt... gonna have a d&b tune out soon called slam... pretty good... but had a remix of voodoo people on jo whiley the other day, now usually hate anyone remixin prodigy, but was fookin class!!!
My chemical Romance and Funeral for a Friend. Dunno if anythings been in the charts, probably not coz if it gets hits the UK charts its gotta be shite