rebuilding a pc..

Discussion in 'Technology' started by crasherkid, Sep 4, 2003.

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  1. crasherkid

    crasherkid Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
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    rebuilding a pc..

    after it sitting dusty for a month ive decided to fix my P ie C e of shit...
    im going to install my mates spare hd and copy al my stuff onto it...

    is there anything i should be carefull with when installing his hd/taking it back out... (gotta figure out how to get it on first :p)

    and then will it be as simple as formatting my hd.. installing xp then copying all my files back over??..

  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Sleepy

    Sleepy Registered User

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Aye tis a piece of piss m8!

    If youre connecting both HDD's at same time just make sure 1 is set to master n other slave...... (if they on same IDE channel that is...else if u have 1 on each set both to master..)

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