Record shop in the Boro??? Is there a canny good record shop in Middlesborough or have I just dreamt it????? If there is, whereabouts is it?
right were do u know in middlesbrough do u know were the bus station is go to the bus station n carry on walking past it as if u were on your way to stockton on the left hand side the shop is yellow n u cant miss it n pshyce is go to mcdonalds in the high street walk out of the high street n u will pass loads of scutty shops cross the raod were the crown pub is if u keep wallkin its on the next corner u can not miss it and i think on the opposite side of the road to pshcye there is anutha record shop but unsure on the name hope that helps you linzi x x x
Psyche's nowt flash. Neither's Fatdog .... HMV have some cracking stuff in at the moment, I was suprised as fuck when I seen what they had in last Friday.
hmv and alan fearnleys get the odd excellent promo in, but general standards are shite even compared to newcastle! fat dog records don't get much in the ways of promos but get all the decent releases and the guys in there always have some good banter! i havn't been to psyche one yet but i imagine it to be pretty poor house music only!