Recording vinyl to hard drive

Discussion in 'Technology' started by DominicX, Jan 23, 2004.

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  1. DominicX

    DominicX Registered User

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Gosforth Newcastle
    Recording vinyl to hard drive

    Does anyone know of a free, reliable program for recording vinyl on to hard drive? All the ones I have tried are creating a slight skipping at points.

    I have defragmented my hard drive and the records aren't skipping during playback. The decks and mixer are only 2 weeks old so shouldn't be problems there anyhow!
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. DominicX

    DominicX Registered User

    Apr 17, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Gosforth Newcastle
    Thanks for your reply.

    However, I have been able to eliminate the things you suggested. I should have given more information in my original post but I was off to bed at the time :rolleyes:

    The PC I have is:

    P4 1.6Ghz (not celeron)
    392 MB of 133 Mhz Ram
    Soundblaster Audigy 64 IDE
    2 hard drives:
    A 17Gb with about 2 Gb free space (With Windows XP Pro)
    A 120Gb 7400 RPM with about 45Gb free space (this is the one I am recording to and was defragmented the day before I tried to record)
    All drivers are correctly installed.
    The computer is not on a network, but it has been before. We used to run a cable modem through mine, then out through a network card to my friends. We both hammered downloading 24/7 on a 1 MB connection and it would take about 3 days of this to make it play music or film slower.

    I am not having any problem whatsoever with playback of MP3. I am trying to record to CD qulity Wav format so my friend can record a mix. But I have been trying to rip individual tracks before he comes over so I know it works or it will be a time waste...

    I did try programs from so maybe this is where the problems arise. I was too stupid to figure that nothing free, is really free from everything :rolleyes:

    I will try Soundforge and report back...

    I know what you mean about hard drives, they are volatile. Mine honestly is working fine as far as everything else is concerned though.

    I used to work building PC's and testing faulty stock a few years back. It's amazing some of the stuff people send back on faulty hard drives :D

  4. keaney25


    Jan 16, 2002
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    i have a 800mhz Athlon thunderbird and 126megs of ram and it works fine on mine, i use XP and i have a sound blaster live value sound card, i use the recorder prog i got with the sound card which saves it as .wav's then i convert it to MP3, guess i must be a lucky or something
  5. Micky-Owens

    Micky-Owens Registered User

    Oct 17, 2003
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    ive got a thunderbird athlon 1.2 clocked to 1.3gig with its onboard via sound

    i use audiograbber with the extra LAME codec things installed, ive also got a OGG encoder installed which means i can genraly save it at any rate i need

    the latest mix i did was encoded @ 320kbs in mp3 format and is about 160mb in size (from memory)
  6. DominicX

    DominicX Registered User

    Apr 17, 2002
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    Gosforth Newcastle
    I have now managed to get a perfect sound recorded through Sound Forge.

    Thanks Juski.

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