Red Cheek's What's the most stupidest or embarresing thing you've done whilst being gunder the influance?
one fucking freezing cold february night i got a lift to this town 60 miles away from my home (north scotland) I: went to a club, went on a whitey, left the club, realised i didnt have anywhere to stay and had left my jacket in there, slept under a bush in a garden allotment, woke up at 5am, stood in a phone box for for a couple of hours until the shop opened, went and sat in the shop and drank cups of tea and read magazines with the owner, got the bus home at 10am, got in and realised my face was completely covered in mud, got the owning of my life off my mum made me the man i am today
Danny_Habit tried to have a piss in a corner of Amnesia because he thought the people on the dancefloor was the queue for the bog
No 1 Out clubbing in foundation my mate was on the trip of a lifetime. He spent 20mins locked in the toilet cubicle thinking he was an england footballer and had fucked his chances of being selected by sven up by taking loads of pills. No 2 In revolution in town once absolutley mortal. They have flowers in there in vases full of red liquid, not water. the idea was put forward for consumption of said liquid. I stepped up. Mid-gulp was ejected physically by the doorman. V.silly