Religion I was just wondering, i know its probably personal 2 most people..but, is there anybody who goes 2 church a lot on the board? Or is part of a religion or have members of family who are part of it? I was having a discussion about this the pub.. & we were just talking about religion and what people believe in.. As i know there will obviously be people who believe in certain stuff I dont want any bad things sed by people who dont believe in anything or whatever! Is there anything you believe in? Ie. God, Evil etc...or a different religion? Just wondering how many people out there believe in certain things :groovy:
Religion is the cause of all war. I dont believe in any religion. Any religion is simply dictatorship, if you choose to believe, have faith in it etc then good luck in whatever religion you are part of.
I think most of us would be going to hell anyways I'd like to think of something "bigger" out there, but organised religion causes far too much bother IN MY OPINION to be an accurate representation of how people should worship anything like this. ... apart from Buddhism - those guys rock
i would hardly say it was the cause of all war! money and power are the causes of war now! the fact that religions clash is mostly because most people are too narrow minded to accept other people's beliefs, and are constantly trying to force their opinions and ways-of-life upon others! If everyone just believed what they believed and got on with life their would be no problems!
Well what we were saying yesterday is that like, religion is the cause of a lot of wars, ( dont mean to offend anybody ) and it means something cos ur fighting for something you believe in... I personally dont follow any religion..but brid i agree wiv you there when you say u wud like to believe there was something "bigger" out there, but i just duno if i do. Fizz i agree wiv a lot of what u just said there
i used to go to church every sunday... :angel2: only cos i worked in a converted church behind the bar! my grandma is a catholic & up til the age of 85 she used to walk to church every morning for 9 am mass! my grandad has been dead for nearly 40 yrs & she hasn't even looed at another man since (she's 92 now) true catholic! hehe
Nah no way is it the cause of all wars..its not really the cause of most wars either.. Ur totally right about the money and power thing. But its just certain wars, fights etc, that have been major because of religion. Suppose you could say that about anything..
its all just difference of opinions, shall we start a war dave?? nah seriously tho, didnt think of it in that sense, you could be right in that sense, theres another way of looking at it. But hey we arent no religious experts are we, i gave up RE at school right before ny GCSEs!!
i think problems arise when other peoples beliefs are shoved in other peoples faces. Religion is being used by terrorists as an excuse to kill and thats a sad fact.
Like most people in this country I only use religion at times of celebrating & times of need. I am not sure about "Religion is the cause of all war" as there have been a load of wars that had nowt to do with religion.
That is so true! Im like that aswell really. Its probably a bit bad..weve had the discussion should people celebrate xmas who arent christians sooo many goes nowhere, cos we all do so...
Yeah thats what we were talking about, like..does religion cause to many problems? & when people start using religion as an excuse..thats not good at all. Does it just cause to many problems? I suppose its like people mistreating anything..
i dnt belive in religion at all but half my family is catholic and half christians and we all get along fine im christian but went to catholic schools had no probs with that . The only thing i hate about religion is that it is always trying to get forced on to you weather its pepole shouting in the middle of towns or pepole knocking on your door or preachers at schools i think it wrong that schools make kids go to church it should be up to the individual if he or she wants to go so then religion is not forced upon them they have chosen it. the only church i attend is my local pubilc house were you can sample some fine wines and a few pints off wife beater
There's nothing out there. we're all complex biological machines. Nothing more. The most simplest answer is usually the correct one. People are too scared to think there's no meaning of life. Well - there isn't. We live and then die. time keeps turning. Organised religion is a falsehood. People should believe what their hearts tell them, not some thousands of years old texts, written in a completely different world to what we live now. The Man of Science has spoken
i used to be strong on religion, went to catholic first and middle schools, only went to church thru school and odd occasions tho, havnt been for about 6 years now tho, tbh id feel ashamed to walk into a church and call myself a strong catholic anymore for obvious reasons.
what about the god 2 channel i heard on the grape vine if you send your money to them they save you faster then the god channel 1 what to do ? anybody know which god will save faster ?