Religion Are any of you practicing any of the following religions? christianity catholosism islam hindu judaism other edit, whats the score with the poll feature not working?
I think religion is a big pile of bollocks and I don't give a rats arse who I offend by saying that. Each to their own etc, etc, but atheism for me.
I dont think its fair to say things like that about religion, im condradicting by saying I probably believe half of them...but for some people its their whole lives. I dont practice any religion but used to to go sunday school with my grandma in a little polka dot dress Oh the shame. I dont believe in anything like that really.
Same again. Only go to Church for weddings etc... And even then it's only for the piss up - which isn't very religious!
being religious has nothing to do with being weak minded, that is one of the stupidest things i've read in ages. its about having faith in something, which most people seem to lack. there are are plenty of sheep involved in religion as well as in everyday life. for most people being religious is just another part of their personality, not something that makes them different. as for me, im not particularly religious. but i'd never say never... and i have seen some things a few years back that would convince some people. but some of the people i respect the most in my life are religious and to call them weak-minded is laughable
Aye I did word that badly because I'm in a bad mood. I really hate religion though, and I think it has caused more harm than good. And a lot of the people that follow it have been brainwashed, it kinda freaks me out a bit. But yeah weak minded is the wrong way to say it.
i've seen some pretty shocking people when i was younger, brainwashing kids and feeding them bullshit about religion... thats bang out because they prey on the vulnerable. but there a some people ive met who have been great and would never dream of using their beliefs to harm people... its just seperating the good from the bad can be hard. i've never bought that religion is the cause of war etc, as religion is the excuse, the scapegoat... if there were no religions there would still be wars. most religions teach peace, not war... its just the powerful can use religion to their advantage and do things in a religions name that are in fact agaist the teachings. ive said it on here before but i have respect for people who do have faith in something that they dont know is true or real and can live a (good) life according to that... i ont know what i believe in but i'd like to think some parts are true.
i had a funny argument with a christian today, he was asking me why i didnt believe, i told him theres no proof and that im a man of science. the twat wouldnt have it that moses seeing a burnin bush or jesus walking on water was not proof. i love god botherers