Revolver :wtf: Seriously, i've never seen so many confused faces in my life People were actually walking OUT of the film Usually i dont agree with arrogant critics but they are bang on this time! A dull moment for Guy Ritchie...not a patch on Snatch or Lock Stock. Reasonably entertaining though, I just don't see the point of making it so complicated...
Re: Revolver TBH I didn't think it was that bad a film.. just far too complex. I think that hes trying to hard to be Tarentino. I also though ray liota was superb in it.. Can't wait till the dvd so I can bang the directors commentary on to make a bit more sense of some of the movie though. Also.. was it just me or was it a really really soundless film.. it just seemed soooooo quiet all the time. Oh and the chinese lass in the red room Sure I saw u after it finished.. 9.30 at the odean?
Re: Re: Revolver Aye thought it was you, wasnt 100% though and didnt want to look like an arse I thought it was dead loud And yes, the chinese lass
Re: Revolver TBH all gangster films are shit these days , which is why im looking forward to the Sopranos starting again next year
iv never read such bad reviews..... the express said it "the worse movie made for this and many many years" Land of the Dead is quality tho
Re: Revolver i saw it on friday and i agree- it was quite possibly one of the shittest films i have ever seen- the plot didnt make any sense whatsoever fucking shit it was
Just watched this and was also confused until reading this explanantiom on the web. I worked out some of it but must admitt to thinking Avi and Zack were in Greens head. It was ok - ripped off Taranatino though.
nah though what the fuck is the point in that though? i wont be seeing it like - that one with john travolta and the helicopter and the bus and the bank robbery confuses the fuck out of me hell, i even got confused trying to get dressed - a back to front thong is so NOT THIS SEASON
yeah swordish thats the bugger. revolver looks and sounds like an algebraic advanced calculus with a bonus paper on advanced metaphysics, however swordfish is like bioengineering and theology.