Right or Wrong? Saw this on Film 2006 last night, Oliver Stones version of the World Trade Centre incident. With Nick Cage. http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/wtc/ Just something seems wrong about doing this when we're still feeling the repercussions of this day. it's a bit bad taste - normally, i'd say the effects look fantastic - but showing the towers coming down - a little bit too soon still? i know they did Vietnam films fairly quickly - but this? Toon Soon? just right?
http://www.wtcmovie.com/ Having just watched the trailer, it's full of lingering slow shots of heroism and tragedy, heart-wrenching orchestral music and the worst of cheesy dialogue that hollywood could muster.
phil, i will loan you a dvd i got copied at the weekend, after watching you will be under no illusion as to what really went on at 9-11
is it called loose change? all those things have been proven to be made up claims - like the 'explosions' and stuff... i've got it somewhere....
its been five years . you cant really say that in another five we arent going to still be feeling the after effects beacuse we are now and bush will start som more wars which will be traceable (in his miniscule mind ) to the 9/11 incident . Films are simply a way of retelling the rauma and loss and heart felt sorrow and shock of the day although we can remeber it films mean others who were maybe to young or on the moon can see what happend for themselves . provided the films are acurate and not just a glorification of america
this is my problem : 1) it's the old ''we're the US, the land of freedom, we're in the right" look what we've lost type attitude. like u say, the glorification of america. they cheesy script doesn't help. 2) accuracy - who much of it is actually TRUE? is it about the stairwell b survivors? look at oliver stone's version of JFK - TOTALLY false yet presented at the truth - now the yanks believe it but, i suppose, i should wait to see it
Making a film out of the death of thousands of people and doing it for PROFIT .... is wrong for me. If every single penny made was put back into some foundation or charity then fair enough - but otherwise its profiting from the death of others ... surely thats a sin eh. After being at ground zero a few days ago and dispensing with all my anti iraq/bush feelings which suddenly seems to just go as soon as you see that massive hole in the ground ..... i did feel really quite overwhelmed at that point - a tragedy for everyone, both in what happened, and whats happening now. So making money out of it on another cheesy, cliche ridden american movie. No ta.
And ill bet you hes seen titanic as well ! Films need to be made as historical documentation in these cases rather than holywood blockbusters using shocking propoganda to hide facts and big up the event !
thats a fair point yep ... but this feels too recent, and too personal ... and we live in an age which is very shallow ..... just feels wrong to me.
come on it's a perfect memorial..... a film that makes big profits.......that's what most of the people in the world trade centre were trying to do all day.....
I haven't seen it yet but I seen the trailers last night when I watched 'children of men' (which was shite as shit) and from what I can see is its a story of two cops stuck in after the building collapsed and how they got out , might I remind you these guy's were American yes,(seeing as you guys have some ongoing problem about yanks) but don't for get they were dad's and brothers and son's running in to building that's just been hit by a plane to save the lives of people the don't know ! these guy's WERE fuckin hero's and should have films glorifying what the did . what's wrong with that ?????
I'm not sure what this particular film is about exactly, but I do agree with the above in general. Hollywood rewrites history far too often.