Room for rent!!!!

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by Jamie_Bracken, Sep 25, 2007.

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  1. Jamie_Bracken

    Jamie_Bracken Registered User

    Apr 24, 2003
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    The Bay
    Room for rent!!!!

    Anyone interested in moving into the quiet sunny suburb which is simonside terrace? located at the bottom end of the street about a 5min walk away from the lively chillingham road.

    In this area you will find mostly students and good banter. Within the walls of 276 simonside terrace are 3 music students, myself, my drumnbass friend lukey B and the wise craig who works at northumbria uni as a technician. All extremely sound lads and well into our music as we have all done music production degrees.

    On offer...2 rooms in the house, pics will be provided depending on the response, the place is nice i have only recently moved in and one other lad has moved out. Would be mint to have one of my friends off here move in with me as im feeling quite lonely ;)

    anyways the rent is 170 a month... which i reckon is bargain for what we r getting, we have broadband and phone line and virgindigital tv banter which we all chip in for, so including all the toher bills n stuff it comes to just under 250 each for the month.

    theres a few people interested already so if anyones up for it get intouch before its taken.

    Jamie Bracken
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