that you ? thought your were dead or summit will be round your gaff later tonight, coem down and say ello
ruth - i think my friend andy who is working over in america has been down it he's been all over the states now the lucky git
well'd be cool doing it in a blowing in the wind.. obviously you wudn't get that tho fizz!
well some people might find it nice to drive down a road, free of any worries with your hair blowing in the wind people ARE entitled to their own opinion you know :evil:
nah pugs are ugly fuckers not crap...they crap but they're not crap, just dogs but a bit pants cos they're small! i got the travelling bug so wanna explore....already done a well ong train journey from moscow to beijing...was awesome & not boring at all!
I've been along (some of) Route 66! But I'd love to do the whole thing, the tiny bit that we drove along wasn't all that exciting, was just a motorway Driving around the states is amazing though, the scenery changes so much from one moment to the next
cheeky bint!! nah i wouldnt... but id still enjoy the warm breeze blowing across my hair-no-dynamic cranium. have to be a Mustang convertible tho
i wouldnt have the feeling tho. plus the wig would probably blow off known my luck .. see me chasing a wig down route 66 for 10 mile! no thanks.
Our journey was in that big orange fucker in my avatar. Looked well gay, two guys driving around in that :camp:
Watched a program about this, the original 'Route 66' is what you want... unfortunately there's not much left of the 'original' road. it's either missing completelly or in serious dis-repair. They've built the new one generally along the line of it, but it's miles out in parts... but if u know where to look, do your research u can still find old stretches of it.. i've always wanted to do a us road trip - coast to coast but going the back roads way, thru abandoned villages, finding old civil war villages and sites, thru the mid west and the deserts...