after seein wot it did to bout 4 ppl at the last tidy :spangled: they were totally freaked out by it. ive never had it but they say was really intense and u out of reality for a good 10 or 15 mins, then after that u dont know wot is real and wot is not for an hr if not more after :spangled: they cudnt really explain wot it felt like just as if they were in another world and wotever happens to them is dependent on how comforatble they r in the room, how many ppl r there and wot they r doin. coz your actions, talkin controls their thoughts while they on it. a couple of them had it and thought it was the best thing in the world tho. totally laughin their heads off :spangled:
think it depends how u take it tho coz i know some ppl who had it and nothin happened to them. them lot all had water buckets with it so took a lot in :spangled: a few others had can pipes and didnt do as much or wasnt so intense. can get different strengths of it aswell, x5, x10, x20 and x40 i think!!!
some legal stuff you smoke, its meant to make you halucinate if you have enuf, most the people i know who've taken it said it was shit, cant emagine getting much of a high off something sold in the shops tbh lol
wouldnt bother with anything less than x10, saying that though when me and geordie wanted to get some from the happy chippy, they were trying to charge £30/40 for the x20/40 which is a rip off. It is intense stuff, but doesnt last that long, felt like i was being dragged round the room by my head...great fun