Sasha & Maria - Be As One original of this is the bollox like just heard it again after about 3 years
not a bad start like matey!!! my first ever dance record (had bought hardcore before that) was pvd - for an angel the copies totally battered but still play it now!!!!
Great track I trust you have to origianl Decon release and not the Edit that came out on Yeti in 2002?
probs my fav record of all time - first started mixing with it when it first came out in '96 i think.. maybe '95? got me into DJing too Ness !
'you give me, the strength i need' reminds me of open deck friday afternoons at northumbria union a few years back..
i,ve never heard this in a club does it sound good in a big room??? does it get a good crowd reaction???
that'll be bout right mate, 95 i think when i went to uni. and monkeybunch - sounds amazin in a club, been at least 6 or 7 years since i heard it in a club tho.