scratch cards yesterday i won 7 quid on one then it had me thinking who the fuck wins the big prizes cos you never hear of them, is there any way of finding out?? im sure some one at camelot or one of there family members gets it cos it's never anounced who wins (not to my knowledge anyways)
You can get them fake win ones online! got a few a while ago and got my mate with it! thought he'd won £10,000. was going nuts! until he read the back!
i can remember there was a programe on telly (something along the lines of police camera action) then as the show was ending they were showing videos on a brighter note and one of them was a kid winning the top prize of £100,0000 in the local shop. should of seen him he was jumping round the shop like a kangaroo on pills lucky bastard.
Does the person you give the fake scratchcard too not think something is up? Like why are you giving them a scratchcard as a gift?:spangled:
I put it in a b'day card along with a few genuine scratchcards, a few lottery tickets & Irish Lottery tickets, was class she did win a tenner off one of the lottery tickets though, cunt.
I think on the subject of the jackpots, £100k for example there must only be one winning ticket & on par with the amount of losing tickets they print its nothing
i won a free footlong and medium drink at subway on saturday off one of the scratchcards there dishing out like! good times!