Sexism Why in this day in age when equal and human rights are constantly an issue did i take my lass to 'Deep' in Whitley Bay where it was £2.50 for her to get in and £5 for me just because i am male? :evil: Don't get me wrong its not the extra £2.50 i'm complaining about its just the sheer sexism of it all I wonder what lasses would say if it was vice versa - there'd be hell on Proper joke.
They need lasses in clubs to attract lads. If they have the club full with loads of lasses, the lads want to go in and will pay the extra. Unfair but that's the way it works, they only do it for bussiness.
all they are doing is trying to get more fanny in, that way the lads will follow. clever if you ask me
What I will say is this countries gone mad!!!111!! and it's politcal correctness gone mad and that. Makes me feel sick it does!!!!!11111
AGAIN!? Maybe ur girlfriend is just fit because I always get charged full price in there. Was 3 quid on wed! Plus I thought it was a woman who takes the money off you :think:
sexism is terribale, especially when your out and some random lass asks your's if she can kiss her cause she thinks she's gorgeous, your blaitently standing there and she does'nt even offer to suck ya cock