Sezer out campaign Let's show the BB house that the general public are not stupid and vote this slimey little prick out. Not only is this guy full of himself, his little crew are under the impression they are going to be famous and are even talking about the paparazi chasing them etc. Voting him out will show them the public actually think they are faceless fuckwits. I mean Imogen was a classic lastnight as well shouting at Richard "I didn't even vote for you in the nomination's". Yeah that's because she was disquallified from voting for talking about nominating him with Sezer the silly cow. So please people do the decent thing and ring the number below and vote out Sezer the childish little moron. I thank you. Ring 09011 32 33 13 Text SEZER to 84444
pete is pete for prime minister just imagine the world peace talks *bush* well i say for the fellow good of man kind i say we should invade Iran *pete* wankers ,'koo koo, meaow shut it bush yeah!!!! shut it