shaft is back vs hardfezt fri 10th aug

Discussion in 'Going Out' started by crazyclubber66, Jul 31, 2007.

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  1. crazyclubber66

    crazyclubber66 Banned

    Apr 2, 2006
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    shaft is back vs hardfezt fri 10th aug


    Hardfezt VS Shaft
    10th August 2007-07-07
    Evolution, 57-59 Lowesmoor, Worcester, WR1 2RS

    On the 10th August 2007 Hardfezt puts there stamp on the hard house scene by going head to head with the legendary after party Shaft.
    Hardfezt is the brainchild of Talia Kapinski, a single mother of 2 that gained her big break by winning a DJ’ing competition at Turnmills nightclub in London.

    After the first successful night in May 2007 that included high profile DJ’s such as Andy Farley and Nick Rafferty, Hardfezt is moving on to bigger and better things. Since the first event Chewy and Col The Medik joined the Hardfezt Crew, being actively involved in the promotion and running of the night.

    For those of you whom have barely touched the hard house scene Shaft, ran by Col The Medik and Mark H, was THE best and the ONLY after party to be at on a Sunday. Shaft worked alongside super clubs such as Sundissential, Polysexual, Godskitchen and B2T but to name a few.

    Between the hours of 10pm & 4am you will be presented with the amazing Billy “Daniel” Bunter. Billy, with 19 years of quality experience under his belt will delight you with those tunes you hear at Tasty, Raindance and Honeypot.

    Also to tempt you will be Polysexual Resident Mark H co-founder of Shaft. Mark is now a very well recognised DJ. Mark played at global gathering last year and is also set to get their hearts pumping this year as well. His unique style will be sure to fill the dance floor with his uplifting sound.

    Next on the list come the Strangest of the strange – Strange Dave. As well as being a Sundissential Resident for 5 years he is the founder of one of Birmingham’s finest nights, B2T, along with partner in crime Livewire. Dave has played at Shaft on numerous occasions and never fails to deliver a fully loaded performance!!!!

    Col the Medik needs no introduction, his uplifting style gets the crowd rocking every time. Being the co founder of Shaft he is well recognised within the Hard Dance scene, Col is a perfectionist and pays particular attention to the crowd and what they want. This is one not to miss.

    Paul F, newly appointed shaft resident &upcoming future hero, as quoted by the hardest working man on clubland Vince Robertson, will be showcasing some of the freshest Hard Trance to grace the scene yet. His production is second to none and always delivers! He will be unleashing some of his new tunes that will leave you begging for more!

    K.I.R.K DJ will be bringing you the sound of B4 a predominantly Birmingham based night. This set promises a sound so immense it guarantees to leave the hairs on your neck standing on end!

    JK-3Style & Moggsy will be hosting Hardfezt’s corner. These 2 upcoming fresh new faces assure a night of bouncy madness and fun filled entertainment as they unleash upon you 60 minutes of mayhem!

    Electro City will be hosting room 2 as we listen to the sounds of Hardfezt’s founder Talia, DJ Mistrix, Dropzoe resident Stu Exall, DJ Gary, DJ Nicole, Electro City’s own resident Dan Appleton and to tantalise you even further Tomas Ruebeck will be perfoming a LIVE P.A for our aural pleasure!!!!!!

    We also have the enticing Flava UK Dancers on the night “The Flava Babes” Flavauk is the brainchild of andy and lou. They have followed their dreams and now flava is going from strength to strength. – check them out on

    As always there will be DRINK PROMO’S. All bottles £1.50 and Shots £1!!! Get In!!
    Advance tickets are £7.50 – Door entry is £10 – R.O.A.R Over 18’s Only. I.D will be required if your lucky enough to look under 21!

    Tickets or any extra information can be obtained by emailing or by telephoning 07790276594 / 07776002793 / 07881623316.

    And to kick it all off in a way that only Shaft knows how, The Brewery Tap will be hosting the pre party from 6pm-10pm!!!!

    DJ’s will include:

    Kye Shand b2b Paul F
    Adee b2b The Backwards Man
    Chris Sharkey b2b Dean Toney
    Scotty X b2b Chadwick

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