Shell Suits Remember these monstrosoties of fashion back in the early 90's!? Who had one & what colour / make was it? Mine was a blue, green & yellow Gola shell suit out of a Peter Craig catalogue
Shell Suits were cool until you got to the age where you started sweating and then it became like wearing a dustbin bag
Purple - fake Reebok as were all my pals - purchased from the same shady shell suit dealer! Smoking resin at the time and wearing one was always gonna end in tears!
Green and black nike top. Plus i remember an awful purple reebox thing allways wanted a Troop one though.
There was one particular shell suit that was the 'must have' when i was about 12/13 but i can't bloody remember which. I never had it
Smoking resin at the time and wearing one was always gonna end in tears! [/B][/QUOTE] seen some proper volcano style eruptions with them rock falls
Me and me dad had matching ones. were dark blue with green and red sections if i remember right. used to both wear them to go on holiday.....that didnt last long like.
i had a few belter ones like, my faves were a red and white nike one and a green no-namer! how many people had 'Pump' tracksuit bottoms ?
Theres a scruff who gets on my bus to work sometimes & she's always wearing a neon blue, yellow & shocking pink Hi-Tech shell suit