shit day after a telling off in my six month review for my timekeeping (I commute 35 miles and am usually ten min late), I got up early today, almost at work on time when the fooking local school bus crashed into me! Once we done all the insurance details shit and I'd had a snivel I got to work and was asked by my boss 'Did anyone get hurt?' No I'm fine sez I, and he said 'No, I meant the kids, did you see anything etc etc' Obviosuly wanted a front page splash out of my near death experience...
Thats not nice like. I've had a shit day 2day too.. painting massive beams at work for 8 hours then come home to start try to write server side scripts that connect to a database and filter information depending upon the current date and week stamp on the users machine. Fun
I know.. but yours was worse by a fair margin. Mine was shit cos I'm thick and can't get my head around a simple problem. Hope ya feelin ok and ain't too shocked
I was a state at the time..had a really bad accident 3 years ago and ended up having loads of counselling to convince me that it was very unlikely it would happen again. Worst thing is (touch wood) it has never been my fault yet.
I'm writing a cinema booking website.. in which the user can select a date and time to book their film. So if they go to book on a Wednesday they can't book Monday or Tuesday. Then they can only book times specific to those days. It all runs of a database. Its simple in thoery but has my mind in knots.. I haven't even began to think about the individual seat booking aspect of it yet /ThreadJack.
Ouch, hope your ok :hug: On a brighter note, I booked a week in Italy next week all by myself as a reward for my uni exams
Tbh if somethin like that is gonna happen there is pretty much nothing you can do to prevent it. I know its not the most positive stament to give to you but the sooner you realise this the sooner you can relax and get on with life. Saying that I've never had an accident so I can really comment on this...
Trust me once you'd had one you realise how easy it is and therefore are always waiting for it to happen again. Bit like extra marital affairs