Showers Me and my friends were watching sleeping with the enemy the other day and when julia roberts has a shower every1 was saying "why is she facing where the water is coming out in the shower no1 does that" but I do? Every1 thought I was weird....I thought every1 did?
Facing the water is good. Especially first thing in the morning when it's fucking freezing in the bathroom. Who wants to leave everything hanging out in the cold at 7:30am :think:
What about them showers that spray underneath you and all around the sides, the posh ones in B&Q where you always go "I'd love one of those" and wander off
The size of my bathroom that'd soak the whole fucking room, never mind me. I've already flooded the place once - Never again........ I can't afford to pay for a new ceiling twice!!
Well okay maybe 'never' was an exaggeration.. but I spent most of my time in the shower facing away from the water.
Re: Showers i face the water open my mouth most of the time to to catch the water. Apparently people who shower with there backs to the shower head are a little paranoid about water
Re: Re: Re: Showers its true, people who face the water are normally people who don't mind swimming underwater and in general are very happy in large areas of water.
Re: Re: Re: Showers This could be true. Me bird always makes sure the water doesn't go in her face when showering. And she rarely goes under the water if we go to the swimming pool! She hate's it when I try and dunk her under
Re: Re: Re: Re: Showers Can i ask who you're test subjects were for your research? What were your test conditions? Did you use soft or hard water? What percentage of your subjects pissed in the shower?