Sick of work! Im so sick of work Im full of cold yet still bother to go into work and yesterday I got moaned at by other people in the building for coming into work for passing my germs on yet I ring in sick and get frowned upon! There is no winning! Jus thought I wud hav a moan for a change!
Yeah I do a day release at college and what a mistake that was working 4 days a week then assignments on top of that I forget that I have a social life! Im lucky to surface at the weekends! But I manage to still go out and forget about the colelge work! Upps!
i dont do nothin but go to uni had this assignment for a few weeks, got a few notes and bits done but nothing really :spangled: is in on friday so spud is setting himself up for sum bad ass late night work
Wowh Laura I feel alot better now I so souldnt do what you do I be knackered! But if its funding the weekend nite's out it must be well worth it! Spud- You left it till the last minute didnt u! Sounds jus like me but least u hav the motivation to stop up the nite to do it I jus dont bother and worry at the end of the yr wen all my assignments are ment to be handed in! Ahh!
I hav the happy medium some weekends are jus amd and then I suffer all week then other weekends I take it easy as I work in a pub part time! But during the week I should be doing college work but Im normally doing house work as Iv got my own house so thats keeps me poor boyF I neva hav time for apart from the weekends when we get smashed! The I die for the nxt 3 days! (light weight) As for friends wel lI never see them unless its someone's Birthday we hav all gone our seperate ways with Boyf's etc! Hope u have a Mad birthday Love! Spend Spend Spend!
Puts a strain on the relastionship thou! But in the long run guess it makes you both stronger. I see my BoyF quite alot as he lives with me but when we are in the house I am noramlly doing colelge work or house work so it isnt till the weekend we spend our time together! But im sure he doesnt mind (i hope so) I would love to have your motivation thou- pls share some!
Well at least you have motivation to go to a nite coarse I could never bring myself to do that and wor at least mine is day relase I idol u gal! Yeah my college coarse is to get me out of this position of working on a computer 5 days a week! Good luck with the work and becoming a Teacher- u must hav good patience!
I want to be a manager of some sort Im doing a business coarse to better myself a HNC as I have my GNVA business! Not sure what I want to manage like!! It would help but Im only 21 so loads of time to decide
Yeah the weekends of getting wrecked!" :spangled: Gotta love them they take my thoughts of work! Never ventured to pink hair thou! bet it looked class! Going to waer something mad for Boxing Day @ Promise aint decided what! my mates the one with the ideas I jus go along wiv them!