Skuba Diving One of the lads i just went on holiday with was talking about when he went skuba diving in Borneo ... Must say it sounded incredible. Anybody been skuba diving before, or done any lessons? Any tips, advice,..... experiences? Must say im tempted in doing something like this over the summer - sounds great ????
Defo do if abroad .... i had some lessons in a swimming pool here a few weeks ago and can confirm it doesn't take long to get the hang of, so can become tedious very quickly if there isn't anything worth looking at. I'm sure given the right location though it would be fantastic !!!! As usual Brid, i'm EXTREMELY jealous !!!!
one of our doorman is a photographer, mostly underwater shots, so he does alot of diving all around the world, he says its one of the best things hes ever done in his life, to lean how to dive etc. its one of those things id love to go abroad and learn how to do! some of the photos hes took are unreal. it does cost a few hundred quid like for open water courses! but it will be well worth it
Its one of those things eh.... you can go your entire life and miss out on these experiences - I probably would have never have tried stuff like that up until recently. Having said that... theres always time.... to try something new!
Some kids who did my degree did went diving and did an environmental impact assessment on the reefs in borneo.. the photos where amazing.. I'm training for my BSAC instructor awards at the minute, its one of the best things I've ever done, I love it.. Its not a cheap sport by any means though, your looking at £600 for full kit.. lessons, memberships, theory exams & books rack the price up a bit more too, but its well worth it imo... If you find a local club you should be able to hire these as part of your pool and ocean lessons.. I'd say go for it, but like Andy says, Liverpool Bay in February isn't quite the same as the South China Sea If you want to do it for a holiday activity, go to the Red Sea its far cheaper than learning how to dive over here.. but if you're serious I'd learn at your local pool first
Done this in the UK, Fiji and Turkey, its amazing! One of the best things you can do, is expensive but worth every penny!
my dads done it somewhere can't remember where my parents went now, but i've always fancied a go at it, sounds totally mint.