smells has enyone ever been walking along or wotever then smelt something then it brought a memory back like a flash back or deja vou happened today was weird coulnt remember wot it was off though :s
No more drugs for karl! No I know waht you mean! I do that when I smell fresh bread when I walk past a bakery's it remonds me of my Gran as she used to make bread all the time!
There's a smell that I can't describe, but it smells exactly like the food that we had on the plane to Majorca when I was 4yrs old! I can't remember ANYTHING about it, but every once in a blue moon I smell this smell and I get a flashback of sitting on a plane with my parents! Weird! (Also, it doesn't smell like current airplane food! I've been on one since then and it doesn't smell the same...)
Everytime I smell poppers it reminds me of a time I got fucking hammered and threw up all over my mate's house
Used to like em but then started havin em wen was on k and they dont mix! Every time i smell em now i feel sick
I get that aswell but I aint sure what aftershave it is. I think there must be a cleaning product that smells like poppers cos I regularily smell the stuff from our cleaner. Either that or shes getting high while at work Makes me sick that smell.
I randomly smell poppers, like as if I have a bottle stuck under my nose. Maybe I just keep walking past Vinny though, but not actually knowing it! had better not have been causing mischeif under my name thats if it is ade anyway, the smell of tea makes me think of my gran, and jean paul gaultier reminds me of sum1 i knew ages ago, always makes me smile
yo bitch you know how i can get n touch with carrie darling? did you have a good time last night? you looked fantastic
every time i smell whisky it reminds me of the time i got totally wankered on it at a mates house wen was bowt 16-17, & was sick all over!!!! the first and only time i drank it, as have never been able to stomach it since :spangled:
just keep trying her phone, she'll switch it on in a bit....what is it your after?? i might be able to help pm me