Im sure all the males that smoke know that by now as those warnings have been on the packets for a good couple of years now. :chill:
my mate smokes like boro, drinks like theres no tomorrow and eats crap, i bet his sperm jsut try to use the current instead of swimming
ive happily quit for a couple of months now, i feel far better and really dont want another tab again
think it's been bout 8 weeks for me too. reckon I've got it licked this time Alex is talking bollocks like
Yeah but smokers are statistically 50% more likely to get laid than non smokers for looking cool - so if you multiply lays by impotance chance then the cancer stick crowd get more action. Simple maths really.
its shite, i fukin hate it, smoked for 5 years now...urrr i really need to stop but ive tried so many times and i get soooooo pissed off with every1 when i stop. got up to day 5 the last time, ended up breakin my big brothers nose and jaw, he was winding me up, normaly i would just do it back but i whent fukin nuts. no good at all
Never been a proper smoker, but i can understand a bit how you feel aye. A mate of mine never smoked till he was 28 or something and then took it up BIG STYLE! Was on 20 a day or anything up to 60 tabs if he was doing road trips (salesman) or something. He quit last year but since then he's moved from being addicted to cigarettes, to being addicted to nicotine gum, to being addicted to patches ........ It seems that one of the hardest things with smokers is breaking that mental cycle of needing either a cigarette or a patch to put a full stop at the end of everything they do. Like have a drink, have a tab Do some work, have a tab Get stressed, have a tab etc etc ...... As much as theres a physical side of it all - the hard part is adjusting to being a person who doesnt need to think of the day as being punctuated by cigarettes or that routine.
i've smoked since i was 15ish, full time since about 17... HEAVILY smoked during my uni years - and i've got NNOOOOOOOOO problems in the trouser department Anyone interested, send me a PM * *chics only
i tried the patches, didnt touch the fukin sides, i think it is the habbit of doing something: eg chewing, smoking.......
i don't think it tends to happen till later on in life when your blood circulation is fucked and there isn't enough pressure to form an erection.
nar its never happened to me, actually its happened once when i was fuckin mortal, a felt like a proper fukin gimp.