Smoking Right i'm now my 10th smoke free day which is cool, however, i never had any smokers coughs or sore throats for 10 years as a smoker till now when i quit I dont intend on smoking again but its a bit crap feeling worse off after quitting smoking
Re: Smoking The coughs you get after quitting are your lungs bringing up and gradually getting rid of all the tar and toxins and shit lining their walls. You don't get them when you smoke cos the lungs never have a break in which to try and get rid of the stuff.
getting your sense of taste and smell back is best! THEN realising how much your clothes stink of tabs!!
I've not smoked for 3 years (next January) and only now since we have moved house and the missus is smoking outside am I starting to feel the full benefits. The passive smoking was just as bad as smoking. I find it far easier now to do hard CV excercise and feel much healthier.
why use patches if you're still smoking? Bareback is the way to go. Just stop. My tip is always have some on you or in your bag or at work - so the choice is yours not to smoke - but they're always there.. as a fall back
i'm not smoking tobacco ? Just havin the odd shot on the bong! i quit for 6 weeks b4 - bareback - and was fine, fuck knows why i started again. My mam heard me saying to a mate i was gonna quit so she rushed out without me knowing and got me patches (she HATES me smoking)
Over a month now a think for me, no interest at all in starting again I wont look down to fellow smokers like, ave seen that happen in the past "pahh ya smoker"
whats the point in not smoking tabs if your smoking a bong?? smokin weed is like the equivilent of 5 tabs!!! pointless
the weed used to totally kill me throat after a couple of days off it!! i have found it pretty easy to stay off the tabs. Good luck
cheers i don't think tabs will bother me at all but i do enjoy the odd J. i was thinking about it last night. Ppl who go on diets always have 'treats' whether it be a mars bar of a cheese burger, they always have them. so a J or a bong will be my treat
Re: Smoking Well done I have lapsed lately but intend to try again now. It'sjust when I go out drinking, god dam it!