yeah, cheers m8 ii think codl turker is the best way, ill just hav chewing gum i bet i will hav mint breath tho
nicotine chewing gum worked for me. Takes the edge off the craving so you don't give in and light one up 'accidentally' and if you use it for about three weeks it gives you mouth ulcers so then you have to give the gum up too. but by then you can go it alone. maybe.
i just stopped smoking, had one or two cheeky ones over the past few months but i hate the taste now. will power is the way forward
well i eat alot of shit as it is so when i quite ill hav 2 go on a crash diet i wanna join a footy team, that will keep me fit any1 help me out there?
If you want to quit then quit. Don't even think about it just stop. And don't use any patches or gum its :camp: Bare back all the way yeeeeeehaaaaaa
i played footy witgh sum lads from school i hadnt seen in ages at the royal quays and it was only an hour i was shattered and coffing up shite and stuff like that plus i quite enjoyed the game made sum mint saves and wen i was out stopped the fuckers getting past me