so then dj's what you put on your mix for the comp?? mine was... medusa vs exor - moonshine armin - sunburn eon - pocket damage hemstock & jennings - arctic the thrillseekers - dreaming of you - flutlicht mix if i'd known we had till wed i wouldnt have rushed it as much like but hey!! and plus i aint got my new mixer yet so had to use uncle ste's old one which caused a few crackles
mine was: sasha xpander bedrock - heaven scent (evolution main mix) plastic boy silver bath solar stone - solar coaster exposure - magic impulse
well the whole of technoorgasm's dj competition mixes will be available for download the beginning of next week. i will post the URL once ive uploaded them.
and no im not posting my tracklist yet, cos i cant remember what i put on. basically, i thought mark and co in the office would get bored of hearing the same old trance and house numbers, so i thought id provide a little more exciting and enjoyable listen, something different to ease their boredom. Something they can get into. the mix goes from souther sun to a banging techno monster. a nice mini journey through the trance and tech sound of dance music.
Erm........... Marco v - Simulated ( other mix i cant remeber what it is ) Marco v - Simulated (original mix) Acm - Elements of trance Project medusa - moonshine Blank and jones - Watching the waves.
looking fwd to hearing that set fizz..... nowt if not ambitious anyway. shy bairns get fukk all as they say...... I think southern sun's just an awesome tune
just listened to it...... all I can say is "OOF" ....... and from southern sun giving me goosbumps, god that choon is so fukkin nice , to :evil: :evil: techno in 30 mins..... what a journey
i put on Dave Joy - First Impression Angelic - Can't keep me silent (dumonde remix) Marco V - GODD Jurgen Vries - The Theme Signum - Second Wave