Speeches For my English Coursework I have to produce a piece of writing which is intended for a listening audience such as a speech or a script. Ive decided to do a speech, and am just wondering if anybody can think of any interesting topics? Nothing toooo hard, cos I need to have some backround knowledge on the subject, although im willing to find out quite a bit of extra stuff. My other piece of coursework was nearly 2000 words so this one doesnt have to be too long Thank you (in advance!) x
You could do a best mans speech- always quite funny or If you were looking for something a bit longer an Oscar acceptance speech Seriously though how about: Music- you sure do know enough about that The Tsunami- there'll be loads of info on this now A holiday resort/ destination / dream Holiday To Smoke Or Not To Smoke? Fruit and Veg. 5 a day? Loads of Ideas on here though:- http://www.speech-writers.com//persuasiveinformativespeeches.htm Good luck
I'd do music or politics But i'm shite at speeches! Got engaged to my ex ex when i was eighteen (stupid boy) ended up gettin mortal, swearing alot, taking the piss out of my mates, offending loads of peeps and tripping over when i came off the stage!
Yeah I know. Examiners would love it... But I would forever live in fear of suddenly looking like the female pinocchio!!
If you have a proper think im sure you will be able to think of something does it have to be like a power piece? Or can it just be like informing?
I only said it becuse i saw a comedy scetch about it before, he was just bassically saying what you need to put in a speech ie informative stuff and how to do it....raising your voice and upping the tempo then being calm and haivng pauses and stuff but all the time he was taking the piss out of tony blair