Speechless Climax Recordings reach their landmark tenth release with something a bit special - U-Facilities v The Man - "Speechless" (climax010) (Mara's AIrsax4nicinpachamix & Steve Linney Remix) Mara's Airsax4nicinpachamix - tough ratling beats and an incessant synth line combine with fx and a massive, meaty bassline give this remix real thump. Then it's a looped vocal sample and a mad, trippy sax line hat comes out of nowhere! Bang! Big, dark and dirty hosue music. Steve Linney Remix - debut new remix from promising new talent - a less intense piece of music, but still a quality production. Rolling tribal beats and percussion given the track plenty of groove. Steve utilises more of the original track's vocal and builds things up to a lush string-filled brerakdown. The whole things has a refreshing raw sound to it - an excellent debut that perfectly compliments Mara's more peak-time effort. Massively well-received, and quite possibly the only record that's been played by both Erick Morillo and John '00' Fleming! Also getting fantastic world-wide plays and support from John Digweed, Deep Dish, Steve Lawler, Hernan Cattaneo, Tom Stephan, Anthony Pappa, Saeed & Palash, D.Ramirez, Fred Numf, DJ19, Moshic, Redanka, Jody Wisternoff, Tigerhook Corp and many more. Ali Dubfire (Deep Dish) - "Awesome" Steve Lawler - "Wicked new mixes" Hernan Cattaneo - "F#$king love the Mara Remix!" DJ19 - "Steve Linney Remix is excellent" Jody (Way Out West) - "Cool, druggy, chugging - does the trick) Released on Monday 26th July, so seek out a copy! _________________ J @ Climax http://www.climaxrecordings.co.uk