speeding fine.. any way out of it? 2 people insured on my car.. unsure at the minute who was driving it at the time but there's a high possibility it was me as i drive the car most of the time - 39 in a 30 zone caught on a mobile camera on seaton burn bridge..
Probs not a way out of it unfortunatley, I'm sure pretty much everyone tries the "I am unsure who was driving" spiel. Just have to pay it Nass, bit of a shitter like! Speaking of mobile speed cameras, a road right next to mine has been a 60 Zone since it was built...which must be pushing 14 years at least, probably more...And I have lived where I am for 12 years. Recently went down to a 40 Zone, and the bastards had those white police vans hiding on the very first day it changed Total bollocks that like, sure they would have got plenty of people as they didn't put up any warnings of a new speed limit or the fact that there was a camera unit present. Absolutley naff all to do with road safety that like, that's just about being the lowest form of low and stimming genuine people out of money. I didn't get done thankfully.
it's criminal is that. that's my gripe about mobile speed cameras - revenue making bullshit. "ooooh it's for safety, cuts deaths, other dogooder reasons blah blah blah" but thats bullshit. once again, drivers are bent over and screwed. Nass - pay it - what can u do - spend months in court trying to argue "it wasn't u driving" then getting a longer/harder fine or penalty points? bite the bullet.
are you speeding (yes?) Are you braking the law (yes?) Is it dangerous (yes?) Are you just moaning because youve been caught (YES)