St. Paddys Day 5 pints of guinness ------------> Stupid big free hat. Anyone celebrating this.....jut an excuse to get rekt.......which im gonna take.
I am celebrating it, most of my family are irish so it’s a big thing in our family ‘and a good excuse to get drunk’
I might not be irish, but i'll certainly make your sham-rock. I made that phrase when I was in Dublin and tried it out on several irish ladies I will be out!! And I will participate in the free hat offer...although I bet it gets taxed if I go anywhere near the bigg market.
Agreed! It's a disgrace how we go all out for an Irish holiday and St George's doesn't get a look in!:evil:
That's because the English have no real traditions or identity. Suppose most of you are all Jocks anyway.
I'm rather partial to a pint of black stuff, but alas will be moving furniture around tomorrow night.
Thats a popularised myth.. but then it stands to reason as he has also been the subject of much specualtion as to whether he ever existed in the first place or whether he was a fable made up by the returning crusaders to promote christianity... the fact he supposedly 'slayed' a dragon sells it for me We've got enough greeks 'running' our country, so i'm gonna enjoy tommorow, Saint Paddy was after all 100% English
Ye pretty sure he never visited England. Can you imgaine a huge piss up on St George's day, the Charver's would love it an excuse to drink as much carling as they wanted.