Standard if games in WC06

Discussion in 'Sport' started by Congay, Jul 5, 2006.

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  1. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Standard if games in WC06

    Has been very poor in general......... the refereeing and the cheating has spoilt it for me. Some GREAT tackles have been punished with yellow cards and the game is almost non contact.

    There have been 2 or 3 very good games but they have been in spite of FIFA and not because of them.......

    I heard today Africa might not be ready for the next tourney and Oz will then host the next world cup, how mint would that be?
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. mr.K

    mr.K motherfucker

    Dec 11, 2004
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    hasnt had the flair of previous tornos

    the diving and hrashness of the ref's has been the big issue, the ref last nite was a quality example of how u should encourage ur refs to behave.

    only games i really rated were, ghana vs C.Rep, italy semi, germany vs poland

    *missed the argie 6-0 but i heard serbia didnt even turn up
  4. ianmc

    ianmc Registered User

    Apr 15, 2004
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    getting mad niggerish with charlie murphy
    few stand out games for me where argie-ivory coast, italy semi and italy usa was decent

    standard has been below par otherwise thou and i thought the refereeing was decent until it got to the second round some refs have been good but others like ivanov,poll and few more should give it up
  5. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
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    very few top class games... to many star players just didnt perform. same goes for countries like brazil and england.

    diving, play acting, calling for cards, pretending to be injured and other forms of gamesmanship have all been evident and need to be stamped out because its really ruining the game... and whats worse is that its the same countries/players that do this over and over again, mainly the latin nations like italy, portugal, argentina etc.

    the refs need to be sorted out, too many card happy authoritarians. fifa also needs to be more clear on what requires a yellow or a red card as the refs performances have been far to inconsistent.


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