when you get the stansted express buy the day travel card with it for an extra 2 quid or something....if your gonna be using the tube at all
it's quite far out you know....if the stansted express is broke it takes 3 hours on the replacement bus....my mate came down to london to see me off going to india and missed her plane cus of the express not working taxi is about £65
iv stupidly bought tickets on easyjet..... the tickets where 0.49p and the tax was £24! Dam that small print.......... I cant be arsed to go now......
thats still dead cheap! better than paying over a hundred quid with british airways! just don't buy the £2.50 coffee and the £3.00 bag of crisps and you'll be fine! 45 mins is not long although last time i was on the stansted express i saw 4 older ladies enjoying a bottle of chardonnay out of crystal glasses wrapped with bubble wrap...and a tray of home cooked picky bits lol
I live in the suburbs outside of london and just to get to stansted costs the best part of 25 quid 7.50 into london 1.60 tube to liverpool street 13 quid stansted express the train from the centre of london to standsted is a shocking 45 minutes too as someone said. Hardly "low cost" when you figure out how much it costs just to get into london, then back out when you return eh.
Teknofish > I did the exact same forgetting train costs and times from Standsted. The train would have been cheaper but even more of a pain in the arse. Hoof > where do you get this £15 return from as I've checked online for tickets and they seem more expensive.
you going on a weekend? look at train prices on GNER... it's much cheaper to fly to stansted. you can fly to london gatwick for about 90 return on a weekend, if you book a little bit in advance..(with BA)
I don't get why it is called "London" Stanstead. I used to live in Harlow, which is on the rail route between Stansted Airport and London Liverpool Street station. Harlow is about 32 miles from Central London then it is another 10 to Stanstead Airport. Last time I flew with Easyjet was on a Friday night. The inexplicable 2 hour delay meant I had to pay £29 for a taxi for a 10 mile journey as the last train had left. And nearly the same back to the airport on the Sunday due to engineering works. All in all, 2 taxi journeys cost more than two of us to fly to Newcastle and back! The delay was inexplicable as the reason given was fog at Stanstead. There clearly was none when we got their and according to the taxi driver, hadn't been any either! Still, cheaper than £85 each on the train...