Steinberg Wavelab - help!

Discussion in 'Technology' started by sirskunkalot, Mar 24, 2005.

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  1. sirskunkalot


    Aug 12, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Fenham innit!
    Steinberg Wavelab - help!

    Hi - I realise there's a guide to recording mixes onto PC as a sticky, but it's for Soundforge.....what I want to know is this: Is the procedure massively different for WaveLab?

    Also - my stereo is rubbish - it's ten years old and I can't hook it up to my computer as there's no audio out.....I can't really hook my computer directly to my mixer as I don't have a (working) booth I could record directly to my PC but wouldn't be able to beatmatch or, is it easier to

    a) but an seperate amp, hook up the mixer to the amp, then the amp to the computer...OR

    b) buy a new booth speaker, use that as a reference when mixing and hook up the mixer to my PC

  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    doesn't the mixer have 2 outputs? 1 to the Amp, 1 to the stereo?

    OR go buy some speakers, they're cheapish, even for reasonable ones - then mix thru the PC
  4. sirskunkalot


    Aug 12, 2004
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    Fenham innit!
    hi mate....right, how to describe it..

    It's a rubbish all in one stereo....the speakers don't have phono leads - it's just bare wired that plug into the sockets, then the sockets 'lock' the wires in position (told you it was crap)

    There's nowhere to plug in stereo jacks etc in the back of the stereo

    Ok - my mixer is a Vestax has 3 phono, 1 line and 2 mic inputs

    so - the original question stands - could I buy JUST an amp, plug my mixer into it, and it into the PC? do I hook up a booth speaker to my mixer, and the mixer to my PC?

    To a man of your means Phil I must sound like a div - but I'm really as thick as shit in these matters and have to be told (possibly several times) EXACTLY how to do it!:lol:

    PS - my mixer does have it's own internal amp - so I assume there will be a loud enough signal if I plug a speaker directly into it? Also - will the volume adjustments I make on the mixer during my mix affect the volume of the recording on the PC? I'm half aware that you can choose this option in WaveLab.
  5. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i've got the same mixer and can't remember the outputs.... i THINK it's master only...

    i'll check tonight and let you know... i'll also check my Wavelab settings...

    EDIT : I wouldn't plug an AMP into the Soundcard - it'll overdrive it!!!

    it should go decks > mixer > soundcard > amp > speakers

    EDIT EDIT : No, it MAY be pre-amp'd the mixer, but not enough to drive speakers
  6. chris l

    chris l Jack!

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Come out of the booth output or record output on the back of your mixer into your soundcard input.

    And connect to your amp from the main outputs on your mixer - ie leave this unchanged.

    If you don't have booth or record outputs (which I'm almost positive that mixer does) you can buy splitter plugs - phono plugs which split the one signal to two identical signals - that will connect into the main outputs of your mixer and then one set (L&R) will go to the amp and one set to the soundcard. You'll find these at Maplin and they won't cost more than a couple of quid.

    Hope that helps

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