Most lads on here are young so they shouldn't need help getting a boner Unless they only sleep with rottweilers
It's horrible stuff. If you don't need it - don't bother.... Unless you cain it to fuck and it hinders your perfomance
ergh ive had it once for a laugh to see if it does anything at all not in a sexual way just in general (which it doesn't by the way)
Bollocks. One of me mates had a shoe box full and he used to neck them everytime he was with his bird - So much so he ended up relying on them. He gave me two one night when I was out clubbing with me bird and mates. I didn't think about it and just necked them. An hour an a half later I had pins and needles in me head and arms and I was stuck with a boner when I woke up the next fucking day. That was two years ago and would I fuck touch them again.
thats happens everyday for me anyway only joking mate, i'm sure if people need them to get it up i'm sure they must be gay.
as soon as the word viagra is mentioned i immediatley think "boner" i had no idea they are shit. never really talked to aanyone who has had it. i dont need it but i thought it would be good for shits and giggles
Yeah, when you first wake up. It's not good when you leave your bird in bed and you've got to fucking lean over the toilet just to have a piss They only worked when someone gives you the horn. Before that it doesn't just "go up on it's own" I'm also sure if people take them enough, even if they don't have problems, they would soon enough. I tried to tell him he'd begin relying on them and he'd probs end up with none one night, his birds got the horn - and he can't get it up So he moved to liquid packets and he said they were stronger He was fat and not the best looking anyway. So it didn't matter - fair play to him. At least he was getting a shag