Storing your records.... Can anybody reccommend any shelves or storage unit for records? Mine are currently in crates, and are taking over my room. (plus im a tidy freak, and it looks messy!) ta...!
Re: Storing your records.... you can get cheap one's from H2F they come flat pack, you can build your own unit out of them as you need to. shame it's hard 2 find though
Re: Storing your records.... few sheets of MDF and a few screws and tools. make a custom built thing with 'pidgeon' holes big enough for the records. Don't even have to fit it to the wall. 2 boxes high is about the right height. Easily dismantles and cheap as chips.
my dad built my deck stand, I have storage space for about 350 tunes. Ikea does have some half decent stuff
You'll get a large storage unit in Ikea that fits records perfectly. My brother has one right across one of the walls of his room.
i got some high standing shelves in a flat-pack from homebase for about £15, ive fit about 1000 records on easily, looks great too!
Ikea is where i got mine ! You could get a cube type thing which holds a fair fair ammount of tunes and i think i paid summit like £15 for it ! I would of bought more but i havent that many tunes