Stupid Laptops!

Discussion in 'Technology' started by iamian, Jan 27, 2004.

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  1. iamian

    iamian Registered User

    Dec 26, 2002
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    Auckland, NZ
    Stupid Laptops!

    the power on my laptop keeps going off (in that it stops charging and running from ac power) but when i wiggle (technical term ;) ) the power cable then its ok for a bit, but when i move my laptop it goes off again!

    is this likely to be my power cable? cos i don't wanna get a new one if its not that that's broken...

    an if it is where can i get a new one? my laptops an acer one that the insurance company gave us when my other one broke.

    also are laptops made to last 13 months? both mine have gone a bit fucked after 13 months! :evil:
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. iamian

    iamian Registered User

    Dec 26, 2002
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    Auckland, NZ
    Re: Re: Stupid Laptops!

    yeah, i didn't know if it was likely to be the cable or the socket...

    gonna see if my mates cable works wi my laptop tomo, so that should sort out if its the laptop or the cable...

    and cos i use it for uni work my dad said he'll pay for it :D

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