Stupid shoes!!!!!!!!! Argh how annoying!!! Every day that Ive walked through town recently one of my heels gets stuck in the gaps of the cRaZY paving and I lose a shoe End up hoping about on one foot like a nugget whilst trying to free the shoe
Re: Stupid shoes!!!!!!!!! That always happens to me the funniest time was when i was going to a mates wedding, we were running late, and the vicar and bridesmaids were in the lobbey thing, my shoe got stuck in the grating, i fell flat on my face and everything fell out me bag all the vicar was bothered about was wether i had turned my phone off or not
In bare feet .. noway I dont understand, Ive always worn stilettos ... have I suddenly started walking like a reet nob or sumin
that happened to me outside primark, i was walking along with ness, and my foot got stuck. i didnt want to look a tit so i just stood there, he didnt see i had stopped, so i had to ring him and tell him to come back to primark to help me im such a helpless female sometimes
the same thing happens to me EVERYTIME in the same place in sland its so annoying...... my shoes have totallly snapped in town before i had to walk around with none on for ages