Subscription Promo Cds Something that's starting to be more common. Instead of getting sent promo records for free, more and more companies are starting compiling subscription CDs that are sent once a month showcasing upfront tunage. Good idea or waste of time? What do you lot think?
Its not too bad for people like myself who only get sent CD's from a handful of producers, I can see that it wont be benefiting yourself much tho Tim, you'd just be getting what you already have but forking out a bit extra money for it.
i think its a brilliant idea!!!, theres more and more dj's out there willing to use cd's which wasnt the case a few years ago, due to the cd decks being shite!!!, but now u'v got CDJ's from pioneer and the new technics just around the corner, which dj's are confident to use!!!, its the way forward!!!, but if i had my own way i'd rather have a promo on vinyl!!!, but thats just me!!!
it's alot cheaper for me to do this kind of thing but it's not the same as buying, or being sent vinyl. i've found recently that the promo companies are sending some proper crap in order to stay alive. it's sad caus the industry seems to have died big time.
I've had mates who were subscribed to whitedisc and they said it went utter crap a few years back. Sadly most of these promo companies are at the mercy of what the record labels send them