Suede I have a pair of Suede trainers & got a stain on the front of them, i've cleaned them as much as possible but there is still a mark on the front Can you put suede trainers in the washer without wrecking them or does anyone know any tips on cleaning them ? Cheers
your new ones, its a fucking nightmare. I have bought new shoes which are suede before, went out on the piss with me 501 levi's like leggins & ben sherman shirt to the bigg market - when i have got home there fucking nearly black and fucked for life U can buy stuff, it doesnt do alot of good for them - basically dont wear them where you know there gonna get haggered to death
thats the fuckin Ironic thing it was a sunny day (last fri), i was on my way to a pub & i managed to step in a shitty black puddle walking up the Metro stairs :evil:
Try what you can, suede cleaner and this n that is just as good as any soap and water - the protectors are just shit Dont hoy them in the washer tho
Aye they are only to supposed to be for water proofing aren't they so my washer question was a bit pointless Suede
this might sound stupid, and is just a thought, but..... Dry cleaners, if they can get stains out of leather / suede jackets then i see no reason why their special tallents cant be applied to shoes... like i said just an idea but worth looking into i think(depending on how much u paid fo the shoes!!)
never EVER by suede trainers, not only do they look shit, but they get fucked beyond all repair on their first trip out... anyone who has been to wiggle knows what i mean...
i think i (all at once) achieved both the stupidest suede trainer purchase to go out with, and also the luckiest 'escape'... i bought a pair of suede trainers, and went to creamfields wearing them. yes. however... they survived this ordeal still, not a reccomended thing to do