sunburn ive got this friend right, whos rather burnt after an accident with a tanning booth. shes wanting to know what can sooth it? cos she cant sit down shes putting moisturiser on (in the form of aqueus cream) but do you think a bath wud be a good idea for her or not? help?
a bath??????? hell no, hurts like a bastard, used as a torture method in the past. if its cold water its ok but warm water is really, really, really painful. Rest is about the best you can do, unless you can get some synthetic cocaine (lidocain, benzocaine) cream from the doc. Trust me, this summer I had sunburn so bad it bled. 2nd degree burn Harry
i got badly burnt in Turkey when i was about 12 y/o, doctor advised me to put pure yoghurt on, took sting away and healed the blisters quite quickly
I got burnt in Ibiza when I was little, had huge blitters all over my shoulders had bandages on for weeks :cry2:
Re: sunburn ive got a friend, who has told me that you need to make sure you carry a moisturiser about, needs to be moisturised about 6 - 8 times a day, any old will do, just needs to be done often. dont tell my friend i told you though - sheesh!
i had to say 'friend' cos ive been telling martin not to go on them for months and then i did and got hurt had a cool bath, was very nce, then i fell aslep in it very soothing, now im covered in aqueous cream and gonna hope it doesnt peel. when my mum came home for lunch she had a look and pointed out that the burn on my back is in the same shape as my its sumthing to do with putting tight clothes on straight after or sumthing, cos the one from my bum down is just where my jeans start. still might go back tho, i quite fancy a tan to go with this flat stomach im planning on buying if it doesnt start to turn up in a few weeks.
I got sunburnt in the summer......Went in the garden all oiled up and fell asleep......shame it wasnt suntan lotion and it was insect repelant or i'd have had a good tan