Supermarket or posh buildings? Come on then Sunderland folk, have YOUR say on this tough matter - Tesco have bought the Vaux site over looking the Wear and wanna stick a supermarket and a few other crappy shops there HOWEVER the local council has objected and want it to be part of the £300million re-development as they try and copy what Newcastle have done with their Quaysides (except the scruffy bit where all the ex-bigg market drinkers have moved to) and make it reet posh with fancy offices, strange modern art and stuff What would YOU like? Cheap affordable jeans fropm Tesco or fancy offices and wine bars?
the quayside used to be a load of car scrapyards 20 years ago. and I'd go for the modern art. the stranger the better. and tesco is shite. I used to work for them. And soon we all will unless they are stopped
you're right and when they sell on the land its on the condition that no other supermarket can open on it.... bit cheeky
Tesco are about 5-10 years behind the position Walmart have in the states. Imo the Government should introduce tighter monopoly legislation to prevent it, but I think their hands are tied by EU competition laws.
Sunderland need development not tescos ! all youl get with a tescos is a haven for the 13yr old mothers to get there daily twoking or shopping as they call it done ! Look at the difference the development in newcastle has made , hopefully the same will hapen in sunderland !