Surgery I have jsut booked my first consultation for get my eyes lasered for the beginning of March, I'm really looking forward to not being dependant on glasses or contacts
Which kind are you going for, lasik? Most people i know who have had it done say its one of the best things they ever did - although theres a few trade offs .... halos around bright lights and stuff. But thats a small price to pay (if it happens)
I've got the money saved up from my house sale, it's something I've bene looking in to for aaaaaaaages, I really can't get used to contacts, I've had them for about a year now and they're jsut so uncomfortable, I always lose them or tear them and they're such an inconvenience There's risks with every kind of surgery and I'm willing to take the risk, I havn't heard about any major side effects, and whilst it is still relatively new all I've heard is positives, th eonly thing I'd be concerned about would be going blind, but there's been no cases of that, it's a risk I'm willing to take
Yeah, I think they said last time I might be perceptable (if thats the right word) to that cos I have large pupils but tbh I get that a little bit with my contacts and glasses anyway. I think it's the lasek they recommended last time because I'm young or something I think they say that's the best option. It's the one with more discomfort afterwards but I'm sure it's defo gunna be worth it, a week of discomfort but a lifetime of being able to see properly
I've been tempted by this for a while but not only would I feel weird not wearing glasses, the idea completely repulses me.. uurggh eyes. :sick:
omg, i would never do that, not as im scared of actually going through with it, but just as my mam is an eye nurse. I cannot begin to tell you the horiffic things she sees week in week out. My eyes change thier prescription when i go back after 1/2 years, so getting my eyes lasered at this stage would be stupid, as 1/2 years, my vision would change again. (lens pulling more/more slack) Plus, im shortsighted, so can't see far away, so my eyes will probably change as i get older so i cant see close up, so will constantly change throughout my life. Nee chance like, mummykins wouldnt let me. hope everything goes ok though, if you really want it done.
im short sighted but i hate glasses and i never went back for my contacts as i couldnt get them in! altho it doesnt seem bad my eyesight will probs get worse so best if i sort it this yr
surgery is not advised for people who have changing perscriptions, it needs to have stayed the same for a while, as like i say it will be no use. It doesnt stop the need for some older people to have glasses in later life either. Believe me i have thought long and hard about it, I'm not too keen on wearing my glasses on a night out, so i just stick to my contacts on the odd night im out on a big one. Im way too scared of the risks though.
is it painful? my mate had laser surgery on his tattoos and he said he never felt pain like it? id imagine then that a laser peeling a layer of skin off your eyeball is going to hurt
they give you anaesthetic eye drops so you dont feel the laser on it ive had the drops in before wheni went for a consultation alst time and they just numb your eyes, its wierd how to describe it and it just makes the light hard to bear for a while. Lucy - my prescription has stayed the same for about 10 years so I'm not worried about it changing much in the near future. And I'd rather only have to wear specs for a few years for reading than all throughout my life For example, my eyes at work today are bright red and have been bloodshot all weekend, they are watering like hell from wearing my contacts today and one fell out on the way hear so I only have one in at the minute I can't wait to get it done!! I've read all about it know all the risks and am ready to get it done now
my sister had it done years ago and she has as near perfect eyesight now... im gonna get it done when i have some cash because i hate glasses but im too lazy to put in my contacts most of the time