Take aways Which Take aways does everyone love? Mine is by far Duck in Chilli sauce from my local Chinese Discuss.....
Crispy duck in pancakes wins by far from any chinese in the planet, although you can't beat them from China itself!
I could also be swayed by a mexican (i'm gonna cause you pain tommorrow) pizza from my local Pizza shop if the Chinese is closed :groovy:
aaah, heard about it, was plain stupid imo. We all know Mcd's aint real food but it tastes fuckin good anyway
that documetarys prolly bollox, i had a mcdonalds every day for about a year and sometimes 2 a day if i was at work and it didnt make me un healthy.
As far as Chinese goes, Char Siu in Satay sauce Indians - Chicken vindaloo Post-beer scran - Afghan's chicken tikka kebabs Partial to the odd Domino's pizza too, Texas BBQ (no onions) of course
Nah just been to China, few other palces 2 but just can't beat chinese foodcooked over there, ten times as nice as over here but it's still lovely from here though!!
were u travelling over there? where did u go? I just done the trans-mongolian from moscow to beijing via the great wall of china!
I love chicken kebabs + chips from my local Pizza place, macd's + burger king are nice once in a while, plus crispy duck + chicken wan tons and indians chicken korma plus plain nan bread. Not forgetting good old fish + chips, whick I'm getting in about 10 mins with baked beans. I'm really fucking hungry now!