Was in the paper ages ago. Building flats n shit on the site using available space n then knocking down the club in bout 4/5 years
fink they're savin club m tho!! at least they fooookin betta do!!! the monthly gg at tt are the bestest things in the whole wide world!!! my life wud not be complete without em!! hehe!! xxx
I went once last year - class, wicked venue. Settees in the toilets.. and a rest area with curtains you can pull around the chairs/settees if you want to shag..
oh my god yeah!!! its the best nite in the whole wide world!! (next to promise ov course!! lol!! ) they reeli are the best nites eva, esp at gg!!!! class people class music n class atmosphere!!! always have the bestest time eva at their monthly bash's!!! xxxx
what...?!?!! hardly like!!! eddie only plays at one in every 2 or three north east goodgreefs...and they always hav a class line-up!! oh my god dont anyone dare slag it off its one of the best things in the whole wide world!!! xxxx
Adam and the usual DJ's are OK and the lineups are sometimes mint, the soundsystem is terrible tho IMO. I rate Promise alot higher than GG at Trees
the sound sytem is class IMO and much better than the promise one back of the pillar the sound in the founation is a bit poor! and goodgreef tall trees makes my month! people i only get to see once a month make it a pleasure