TAX REBATE fuckin get in Just came in letter on the floor...Inland Revenue "great, now what do they want....perhaps a detailed log of employment since 1987...." but no! £130 cheque from 04/05 tax year!! Class
It's great innit. I got one for £350 at the end of last year for the 04/05 tax year And the reason I got it, I think is because I worked up until Sept 04 then I became a full time student. When you get taxed, I think they base it on your pro rata salary, and then obviously if your salary changes or you stop working, they need to recalculate it. They work out how much you have earnt over the whole year and then see whether you have paid the correct amount of tax. And if you've paid too much tax, like I did that year, you get a nice cheque
I wasnt working for a while last year so is there a possibilty i might get one???Am I meant to fill any forms in or anything.I remember getting one after a christmas job when I was 18