tax return advice i had a year out, well about 8 months or so last yr coz of hospital operation and various other factors but i didnt want to sign on the dole, so was neither officially employed or unemployed i done a little bit of work for my stepdad here and there for cash but i wasn't ready to start work again until start of this year i have been asked to do a tax return, where do i stand with this? i dont see how i can be billed when i didn't actually do anything? but apparently in the eyes of the inland revenue they will make a decision for a tax bill based on my current earnings considering i have made ~£21k since march i am mucho worried... is this the case? any help apprec.
if your stepdad paid you cash in hand and it didn't go thru his books say nothing. It would be upto them to prove you got paid. If they ask how you lived, just tell them your parents kept you
Good luck mate, Im sure itll all be shweet! (Dont forget to tell em about your advertising deal with Carlsberg)