tearing a muscle in your heel it absolutly fooking kills im in agony could end up being off work like. me own fault like gott a taxi back to frans on sat but got off at the petrol station and was pissed decided to jump over the bush thinking the path was just on the other side well it was but about 8 foot or something further down and i did leap over it and full force went straight to me hell bad crack like mr hop a long i am now.
Is it still no better? My arm has been healing up nicely, looks a lot better than it did sunday. Although its been leaking today
slash man. heard u were at casualty for bout 4 hrs yesterday aswell bad crack hope it is better by wkend.
got to go to work at 6 see how it goes if no good ive got docs apointment mora so i might on the sick for a weeki or so.
You're defo milking this aren't you If you rest it tomorrow as well then you might be fine how's the hand?
Re: tearing a muscle in your heel :camp: look at all you lot with ya lasting injuries, my hangover cleared days ago